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Pratibha Goenka

Alumni | MDI Gurgaon

36 Stories

How To Answer 'Why MDI Gurgaon?' In Your Interview

Whenever you are appearing for an interview of any BSchool, you must be clear about why you want to join that particular B-School. While your answer, to a large extent, is a manifest of your life journey, there are other facts about the Bschool that you must know. If you

MDI Gurgaon Interview Experiences - Part 2 | Tips By MDI Gurgaon Students

This is the second part. To read the interview experiences mentioned in the first part, click here. Here, I have made an attempt to collate interview experiences of my friends who are from various backgrounds and are currently, first-year students at MDI Gurgaon.Read on!Dipshika Damani – 10th (93%) – 12th

MDI Gurgaon Interview Experiences - Part 1 | Tips By MDI Gurgaon Students

First of all, let me congratulate you on making it this far. I am hoping your preparation for the interviews are in full force and this article will help you to shape it even better. Here, I have made an attempt to collate interview experiences of my friends who are

Internship Experience At Maersk GSC | Amogh Jain, MDI Gurgaon

Stepping foot into the corporate world for the first time in your life becomes both an intimidating and exciting experience at the same time, isn’t it? You enter this world with your own set of prejudices, gearing up for a great career moving forward. You have this desire in your