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Raghunathan S

Alumni | XLRI Jamshedpur

XLRI (2018 - 2020), Comfortable with awkward silences

XLRI (2018 - 2020), Comfortable with awkward silences

9 Stories

MAXI Fair – Meet the fair with a marketing flair

Bengaluru, Delhi, Calcutta, Ahmedabad, Lucknow – This is how a list of cities with top B Schools in the country looks like. Somewhere on this list is Jamshedpur – home to XLRI. Here, we wake up to the picturesque view of the Subarnarekha river in the morning. The privileged few

What It Means To Be A South Indian At XLRI Jamshedpur

Having spent the entirety of my life in the Southern states of the country, travelling to XLRI meant crossing the invisible wall into the East. 6 hours after boarding the flight, I landed at Calcutta. I could barely differentiate between Hindi and Bengali. Thanks to the relentless efforts of my

Education Loans - Why MBA Loans Are Not As Intimidating As They Are Made Out To Be

MBA and loans have become synonymous in conversations. At the demand end of the pipe, B-schools regularly hike their fee and show no signs of slowing down. On the supply end, banks welcome students on a red carpet at the mention of admission at a reputed B School. Not without

Life On The Other Side Of The Wall: B-School Edition | XLRI Jamshedpur

Another year, another round of interviews. Aspirants queue up outside the gates of B-schools, hoping to make it in. Dozens of variables come into play in deciding the fate of the quintessential aspirant. The aspirant’s brain is a swirling mass of information about the top B-schools – the culture, opportunities,