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Riddhi Kalra

Alumni | Indian Institute Of Management Trichy

Likes to appreciate the brilliance in mediocrity and the beauty in humility. A banker by the week and writer by the weekend. Alumnus of IIM Trichy (Class of 2019)

Likes to appreciate the brilliance in mediocrity and the beauty in humility. A banker by the week and writer by the weekend. Alumnus of IIM Trichy (Class of 2019)

33 Stories

Do Cultural Occasions On Campus Actually Matter?

"It's been said that we just don't recognise the significant moments in our lives while they are happening, that we grow complacent with ideas or things or people, we take them for granted and it's usually not until that thing is to be taken away from you that you realise

A Course of Independent Study and Why You Should Consider it

The way we make choices is funny, sometimes. I remember the first year of my MBA, when I often found myself wishing with every fibre of my being that I dint have to study certain courses, and at the same time waiting for the time to come when I could

What If You Don't Get Placed In Your Dream Job?

"That's the thing about human life- there is no control group, no way to ever know how any of us would have turned out if any variables had been changed"- Daniel Keyes, Flowers for AlgernonLet us consider four friends: Chatur, Farhan, Raju and Rancho.1. Chatur wanted company A or B.

Five Things To Do After Your Summer Placements

Summer placements often tend to be a case of an educated guess, but a guess all the same. I say this because of the haste with which we make decisions at the juncture of limited maturity and other constraints. Nevertheless, I believe that your Internship is the time to check