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Riddhi Kalra

Alumni | Indian Institute Of Management Trichy

Likes to appreciate the brilliance in mediocrity and the beauty in humility. A banker by the week and writer by the weekend. Alumnus of IIM Trichy (Class of 2019)

Likes to appreciate the brilliance in mediocrity and the beauty in humility. A banker by the week and writer by the weekend. Alumnus of IIM Trichy (Class of 2019)

33 Stories

The Life And Lies Of A B-School Student

It starts with the light going on your phone. (Let’s call it the b-school version of the Deathly Hallows, in reverse order) It’s something that b-school students will supposedly end up getting used to in a while. It could be the wake-up alarm that’s been snoozed thrice already. Let’s face