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Sailesh Hota

Alumni | Xlri Xavier School Of Management Jamshedpur

SabHotaHai. Dog person. Hate CATs. 710 in GMAT. 97.46 in XAT 2018. Stand-up comedian, IT professional, NITTian and lazius maximus. Worked for 28 months in semiconductors before calling it quits. Feel free to reach out to me on any platform.

SabHotaHai. Dog person. Hate CATs. 710 in GMAT. 97.46 in XAT 2018. Stand-up comedian, IT professional, NITTian and lazius maximus. Worked for 28 months in semiconductors before calling it quits. Feel free to reach out to me on any platform.

26 Stories

Gazing At The Mirror | Nitish Kishore, XLRI Jamshedpur

“Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do something. People can’t do things themselves, they tell you can’t do the same” - Will SmithHas there been a day in your life when things seemed bleak? Do you self-doubt yourself all the time when you see others succeeding?Don’t worry. I have

6 Ways To Overcome Low Academic Scores & Improve Your Profile After Joining A B-School

A lot of aspirants raise concerns about their academic scores when they talk to me about their B-School aspirations. And their concerns are well founded. Everyone including the professors know and agree that  academic scores are not an indicator of someone's capabilities. But academic consistency is a simple filter that

5 Books A Budding Manager Should Definitely Read

In a B-School, every professor will suggest you at least one book that has the potential to change the way to perceive things. Management is always about critical thinking and perception. Companies don't hire B-School grads for their theoretical knowledge. They hire them for their ability to function in critical

Caring For Society | A Glimpse Into CSR At ITC Munger

As a student of Human Resources Management from XLRI, it is always a delight to have an opportunity to see things in a realistic setting. Since day 1, my interests have lied strongly in the area of Industrial Relations and Labour Law. I was absolutely delighted when I had the