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Sachin Mandot

Alumni | IMT Ghaziabad

Sachin Mandot is an IMT-G Alum (Batch of 2018). With an aim to help MBA aspirants, he has been writing on InsideIIM platform since March 2017.

Sachin Mandot is an IMT-G Alum (Batch of 2018). With an aim to help MBA aspirants, he has been writing on InsideIIM platform since March 2017.

28 Stories

How To Pay The Hefty MBA Fee - Loans And Scholarships Explained

Dear Aspirants,Almost all the major entrance barring XAT are done, results would be out in 2nd to 3rd week of January. Majority of b-schools would release their calls by the first week of February and then the GD-WAT-PI process would take place. Final results and waitlists start rolling by 3rd

Answer These 3 Questions Well And Get Selected In Any B-School

A personal interview or the PI round of any b-school is the only stage of selection process where an applicant can drive process according to themselves.  An interview is all about ‘You’ and this is where the trick lies; you can mould the interview in the way you want to,

Crack Any B-School’s WAT/Essay With These Tricks

Let’s get this straight, CAT 2017 is done and dusted but your MBA journey has just begun. CAT is one of the few phases in this journey; once the scores are out, CAT would serve only as a qualifier to the next round.  In the b-school selection process, nobody would

Hidden Charges - Decoding The MBA Fees

Let’s get to basics without getting into any lofty verbiage, what is that pressing motivation to pursue MBA? We would get phrases like ‘Growth in Career’, ‘Ending up in decision-making unit’ which is totally correct but drilling down deeper, it is more about the compensation and certain ‘glamour’ attached with