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Sasi Kanth

Alumni | MDI Gurgaon

12 Stories

Apprehensions, Learnings, & Expectations - The Beginning Of A B-School Journey

As the beginning of b-school journey comes close, lot anxiety builds up over what’s in store, doubts over how challenging are the times ahead, etc. This article unfolds a few of them for soon-to-be B-school students.“I am an engineer like many. May be that’s a disadvantage”Though it is true that

10 likely encounters on your first day in B-School

In few weeks, a few lucky ones will change their tag from aspirant to student. From several thousands who appear GD/PIs, only a select few who are deemed to be special and can contribute to the diversity of the batch will make it to a b-school. This article gives a

The Business Schools I have converted are very similar. Now what?

Converts lists of some of the b-schools are already out and a lot more will start pouring in shortly. Most aspirants face a situation where they convert more than one b-school which are similar and looking for various parameters to decide upon the b-school that suits them the most. This

MBA: Should you or Shouldn't you

In most cases, the decision to do an MBA is a consequence of choices made or a chance. This article delves into  underlying reasons apart from the quintessential 'Why MBA', behind a decision to go for an MBA.Why one should choose to do an MBA: Change of career pathFor majority, under