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Scmhrd Pune

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74 Stories

Tips To Crack SNAP From A 99.96%iler - Tushar, SCMHRD Pune

Tushar had scored 99.96%ile in SNAP 2015. He has done his B-tech from IP university New Delhi, and did short term executive course from IIM Bangalore in Managing Luxury Brands. He is Currently pursuing MBA in marketing from SCMHRD. He plans to get into Luxury Brand Management and work into

Homecoming 2016 - SCMHRD Pune

Homecoming 2016 just concluded on a great note with over 75 alumni of the batches of 1996 and 2006 turning up with great enthusiasm and participation with their families. It was heartening to see them relive their memories and share with us their past experiences as students in SCMHRD. The

SnapIT Season 9 - 11th December 2016

Apprehension and uncertainty are enfeebling for an Aptitude exam and future managers. The stronghold to make decisions is something that distinguishes the future managers from the facade of board room drollery. Hence, we the admissions team of SCMHRD every year take it upon us to conduct an interactive session “SNAPIT”

Internship Turned Into PPO At ITC Hotels, Kolkata – Akhil M - SCMHRD Pune

The KITES Summer Internship Program by ITC started with a royal induction program in ITC Windsor Hotel, Bangalore. The 2-day induction program took us through ITC’s Culture, the success stories and a teaser to the challenges that await for every management intern in the coming two months. The interns joined