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Spjimr Mumbai

Alumni | SPJIMR Mumbai

117 Stories

Why Having Functional Clarity Is Important - SPJIMR Mumbai

It was 7:00 in the morning as I sprung up from my bed, silencing the 5th among a dozen alarms I had set for that morning. After a night of disturbed sleep and mulling over the day that was to come, I decided to finally get off the bed and

Courage And Heart From A Different Perspective - SPJIMR

9 August 2018:“Why India?” asked my disheartened 81 years old grandmother. She was probably the most sceptical of all my relatives concerning my future exchange destination. “Why aren’t you going to the US? Your cousin had a great time there…”.I understood that I won’t succeed in convincing her. She wouldn’t

Learning From The Best - The Professors At SPJIMR

Close your eyes and imagine a classroom. What do you see? Probably desks, chairs and students being lectured on some subject, let’s say Mathematics, by a professor. What you wouldn’t visualize is probably a bunch of students all standing inside the classroom and indulging in a healthy dose of tai-chi

The Art Of An MBA - SPJIMR Mumbai

Almost every student in India goes through several stages emotionally and physically both in the professional as well as personal life. As the students come to terms with this increasingly open world, MBA is a choice offered to them, that is both steady and stable. An MBA does not seem