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Srijoni Nandy

Alumni | XLRI Jamshedpur

DPS to NIT to XLRI. Part time adult, full time reader. Still figuring out life. Teetotaler, so asocial. Conversations going in my head are far more interesting than actual ones, so I pen them down.

DPS to NIT to XLRI. Part time adult, full time reader. Still figuring out life. Teetotaler, so asocial. Conversations going in my head are far more interesting than actual ones, so I pen them down.

10 Stories

Fresher's Eye View

As a fresher, when you join a B-school, you don’t expect it to be very different than your undergrad college. Same old mass bunks, missing classes (or even if we somehow managed to reach the class in time, we would end up sleeping there), the 8 o’ clock deadline for

Living The Dream In The City Of Dreams | Internship Experience At Johnson & Johnson

Never having lived away from my home state of Jharkhand, going to Mumbai, the so-called “City of Dreams” and interning at an organisation like Johnson & Johnson which has a rich past, I was looking forward to my first ever corporate experience. I was looking forward to living my dream.When

Learning To Make A CV With F.R.I.E.N.D.S

“Welcome to a new year at a B-School! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!” (Yeah, I tweaked that a little)The first year at B-School is by far one of the most magical moments. Once you’ve

Three Important Management Lessons You Can Learn From Harry Potter

Unlike the popular opinion held by adults (and by adults I mean mostly my parents), Harry Potter is not just a children’s fantasy book. Just like we gradually grow older and more mature, the need for money changes from buying popsicles to buying a house or a car; similarly, the