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Swathika Selvam

Alumni | IIM Indore (Since 1996)

17 Stories

How To Nail The WAT (Writing Ability Test) – Helpful Pointers For Before And During WAT

After cracking those MBA entrances, WAT becomes the next nerve-wracking process to crack. It is totally unpredictable as you do not know who will be grading it, if the grader has the same inclination as you and most importantly you can roughly gauge yourself in a GD or a PI

5 Ways To Rock Stress Interviews Like A Pro

Stress and interview go together like peanut butter and jelly when it comes to the Personal Interview Rounds of an MBA School’s selection process. This is because (1) MBA is not a joke. It gets very hectic and stressful. You will have multiple exams on the same day, midnight surprise

4 Reasons Why The Himalayan Outbound Programme (HOP) At IIM Indore Is Relevant To Its Curriculum

The Himalayan Outbound Programme is a “4 credit course” offered in the 5th Trimester, but I would prefer to call it an educational excursion. So, we pack our backpacks and go trekking for a week in the Himalayas. How many of us would actually go backpacking in the Himalayas after

Post CAT Strategies You Need To Follow To Ace Your GD/PIs

Yaay CAT is over! Phew (:’D) You just want to chill with your favourite series or go for that vacation. Well that is just some of you. A few others will be feeling restless thinking how you would have scores, what calls you would get and how and what to