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Abhishek Tahlan

Alumni | XLRI Jamshedpur

15 Stories

The Ultimate XAT And SNAP Strategy Guide From A 99.8 Percentiler

This document was exclusive to users for a week and is now being released to the general public. Disclaimer1. This is what has worked for me. Read it and use only what you think is useful. Apply those parts which seem common sense, ignore what does not seem right.2. Use it

A Journey From A Not An XLRI Sentimentalist Fanboy To A Sappy Monster - One Last Term At XLRI

I was not an XL sentimentalist fanboy.The first week seemed a tad excessive at the time, with the 'home away from home' speech and drunk seniors huddled together, hoarsely singing 'XL Meri Jaan' while vainly trying to hold back tears.Maybe a sedate 2nd year allowed us to lift our noses

Abhishek Tahlan's Rubbish Summer Placement - The Experience Of A Lifetime - XLRI

This article was first published on on 5th November, 2015 Day -2Zero shortlists. Watch your friends be disgusted at getting only FOUR shortlists. Cut off all contact with them.Call up your best friend from engineering for 55 minutes and discuss your entire life so far.Listen to songs of extreme rage. Do

MBA Survival Cheat Codes By An Extraordinarily Ordinary Student Of XLRI

InsideIIM frequently features campus topper interactions from the leading B-schools in India. These interviews feature elite achievers discussing how their consistent hard work and exemplary work ethic has led to peak performance.Unfortunately, all of my friends (including me) are in the bottom 20% of the batch (sorry, mummy daddy). So