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Tanya Shridhar

Alumni | MICA

The author is currently pursuing MBA from MICA, Ahmedabad. She interned at Titan Company where she received a PPO. A designer at heart, a marketer in spirit and a registered architect by degree, Tanya is a voracious reader and likes to write about success stories and learnings from everyday life. She prefers coffee over chai, chocolate over red velvet and PJs over everything else.

The author is currently pursuing MBA from MICA, Ahmedabad. She interned at Titan Company where she received a PPO. A designer at heart, a marketer in spirit and a registered architect by degree, Tanya is a voracious reader and likes to write about success stories and learnings from everyday life. She prefers coffee over chai, chocolate over red velvet and PJs over everything else.

25 Stories

'Humility And Ambition Need Not Be At Odds' - Dhruv Talwar, General Manager, Godrej Properties & SIBM Pune Alumnus

I bring to you an inspiring conversation with Mr. Dhruv Talwar, General Manager - Head of Brand Strategy, Godrej Properties Limited. He is an alumnus of SIBM Pune.In this conversation, he shares with me some key pointers that are required to make it big in the business world and in

The Google Logo - A Semiotic Analysis

The study of signs and symbols with their interpretation is how Semiotics is defined. In the business world, the first thing that pops in someone's mind is a company logo. The logo of a company is a symbolic representation of the vision, mission and brand positioning. It is a visual

#KnowThyBrand - Keventers

The Story Behind the Brand‘Since 1925’ reads the logo - bold and clear – of the now-popular milkshake brand – Keventers. Established by Edward Keventer, a Swedish dairy technologist, as a diary company in India which slowly started emerging as a prominent Dairy Industry. The brand was trusted by Indians

#KnowThyBrand - Barbeque Nation

The Story Behind the BrandFounded in 2006 with a single vision - offering a complete dining experience to customers at affordable prices - Barbeque Nation pioneered the concept of live grills embedded under dining tables. With this, it ushered the era of ‘Do It Yourself’ cuisines in India. The concept