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Venu Merh

Alumni | IIM Kozhikode (Since 1996)

An Upantya Visharad in Hidustani Sangeet and in Bharatnatyam, Venu has been the epitome of versatility and consistency throughout school and college life. An EC engineer, she was a member of AIESEC & NU Tech where she managed various activities. She loves micro blogging and working for stray animal welfare. She is currently a management student at IIM Kozhikode (Class of 2015). You can read all her stories here. Twitter handle - @foodasaur

An Upantya Visharad in Hidustani Sangeet and in Bharatnatyam, Venu has been the epitome of versatility and consistency throughout school and college life. An EC engineer, she was a member of AIESEC & NU Tech where she managed various activities. She loves micro blogging and working for stray animal welfare. She is currently a management student at IIM Kozhikode (Class of 2015). You can read all her stories here. Twitter handle - @foodasaur

24 Stories

7 Management Lessons You Will Learn In A Mumbai Local

Call it ‘the city that never sleeps’ or the ‘city of dreams’ or ‘the financial capital of our country’, after staying here for a bit you will realize that the one thing that is almost synonymous to Mumbai is its ‘local trains’. 'Locals' of Mumbai epitomize the true spirit of

Kaptains of IIM Kozhikode - Joel Modestus - The Enterprising Entrepreneur

Our ‘Kaptains of Kozhikode’ series corroborates the fact that IIM Kozhikode constantly strives to promote diversity in all respects. Be it extra- or co-curricular activities, sports, debates, international exposure, entrepreneurship et al, students are encouraged to pursue their passions and excel in them alongside maintaining a decent track record of

What makes a Smart Marketer?

One of the most enjoyable past-times of college life is watching any and every sitcom/TV series that one can lay one’s hands on. There may be times when people are actually judged by the number of them watched and the record time in which they have been watched. Now, in

Nostalgia - the last two weeks in a B school

The journey that began with fear and trepidation…..All B-Schoolers invariably remember the first day when they entered their ‘dream’ colleges. Yes! ‘Dream’ college for some right at the outset and for some others, the college that earned this status during their glorious journey of two years spent there. For most,