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Venu Merh

Alumni | IIM Kozhikode (Since 1996)

An Upantya Visharad in Hidustani Sangeet and in Bharatnatyam, Venu has been the epitome of versatility and consistency throughout school and college life. An EC engineer, she was a member of AIESEC & NU Tech where she managed various activities. She loves micro blogging and working for stray animal welfare. She is currently a management student at IIM Kozhikode (Class of 2015). You can read all her stories here. Twitter handle - @foodasaur

An Upantya Visharad in Hidustani Sangeet and in Bharatnatyam, Venu has been the epitome of versatility and consistency throughout school and college life. An EC engineer, she was a member of AIESEC & NU Tech where she managed various activities. She loves micro blogging and working for stray animal welfare. She is currently a management student at IIM Kozhikode (Class of 2015). You can read all her stories here. Twitter handle - @foodasaur

24 Stories

Kaptains of IIM Kozhikode - Bhavna Nahata – The Versatile warrior

(After our Gems of Joka and icons of IIM Indore series, we start the Kaptains of IIM Kozhikode series!)Well, in today’s world, versatility is the major distinguishing factor that gives you that much-needed extra edge over your equally potent rivals. But, how is it that some extraordinarily gifted souls are able

Survival of the Fittest - Women in Business Schools

“A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult.” – Melinda GatesWhen was the last time you saw an article featuring the foremost ladies of the corporate world in one of the leading business dailies or the

Case Study Method – A Way of Life ?

With a large number of universities (imparting ‘higher level’ education, especially that pertaining to management) mushrooming in almost every nook and corner of the world, the concept of learning has somewhat become synonymous to getting good grades by hook or by crook. This has somewhat blurred the thin line that

Sleepless In Business School | IIM Kozhikode

The one topic that finds place in our everyday conversations almost inadvertently is nothing else but ‘sleep’. Sleeping not only has the mystical ability to make one feel better, even in the direst of circumstances, but it goes way beyond just boosting one’s mood or banishing under-eye circles. Adequate sleep