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339 Stories

How To Be Future Workplace Ready?

The pandemic has shown the businesses and occupations around the globe that change is the only constant. Digital transformation has led to many innovations and has fastened the process of

The Skill That Can Skyrocket Your Career | Get Certified In 2 Months

As per a report by two scientists at the University of California, in today’s world, an average human processes as much as 90 GB of information in a day. That

This Specialization Is Red-Hot This Winter & It’s Not Marketing Or Finance!

Did you know that Supply Chain Management has emerged as a must-have degree, post the pandemic? “Incoming business students who once defaulted to finance or marketing now want to explore

Dreamt Of A Career With HUL? Here’s The Chance To Make It Come True

Today, we are used to consuming more data in a day than we did in an entire month a few years ago. Indians spend an average of 5 hours a

Free Case Studies | Learn From Brands Like Zara, Nestlé, McDonald’s, Asian Paints,etc.

Over the years, case studies have become a highly effective tool used by successful people to improve on their analytical skills, domain knowledge and communication. The professionals who learn from

Shhh! Revealed: Career Switch Secrets Of Supply Chain

Several years down the line, when the lasting impact of the pandemic is discussed, supply shortages of food and other essential goods will surely be one of the top headlines

Will Reliance Destroy Amazon & Walmart in India? | Future of Shopping

Reliance Retail Ventures Limited recently partnered with 7-Eleven, a Texas-based convenience store chain and the first shop came up in Mumbai. But Reliance is already present in the segment with

The Key To Your Success In A $215 Billion Industry

With an industry size of $215 billion, CAGR of over 10%, employing over 25 million people; the Supply Chain industry is the backbone of India’s economy. The pandemic accentuated supply