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Info On Placements

44 Stories

True Placement Scenario At B-School In A Pandemic Year - Revealed By IIM Students And Grads

The placement process is perhaps the most important aspect of anyone's b-school journey, and a lot is riding on this process: what kind of job you get, how much you get

Do B-School Placement Reports Lie To You? Inside Information That No One Will Tell You

One of the key reasons for pursuing an MBA from a top-ranked business school is the promise of a well-paying job in a desirable domain, sector, or company. So how

Summer Internships Are Like First Dates. Learn How To Score An Ace!

Getting into a b-school of choice is a dream for most people and when that dream comes true, it is often accompanied by a sense of accomplishment and relief. But

MBA from Tier III Schools vs Specialised Certifications - an ROI Analysis

Getting into a good b-school is a full-time job; it requires time, practice, awareness and due diligence. But when the dust around CAT and other exams settles & you receive

Revealed: Dream Companies Young India Wants To Work At - Meet All The Recruiting Teams

For the 30th episode of #YOBOLive, meet recruitment teams from companies like L’Oréal, ABG, TAS, BCG, Google, and more. Join us for the live screening of the “India’s Most Desired

How B-Schools Are Now Pandemic-Proof Ft. MDIM

Business Schools this year faced an extremely tough challenge like any other industry. Whether it was successfully onboarding the batch of 2022, or to help the existing 2021 batch with

How To Bag Consulting Job Offers | BCG, McKinsey, Bain, PwC, Deloitte, GEP - YOBOLive Ep.25

For the 25th episode of #YOBOLive we want to talk about consulting and case interviews. Be it guesstimates or case studies specific to different sectors and domains, case interviews are

Disruptions Caused In Hiring And What It Means To Job-Seekers || GMAC Corporate Recruiter Survey 2020

2020 has been undoubtedly a challenging year and it is no less true for companies around the world. As we battle to make sense of the on-going crisis and figure