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InsideIIM Debate

InsideIIM's debates - featuring the sharpest minds of India's top B schools, fighting it out to prove their point on some of the most contentious issues in economics, politics, development, and technology.

110 Stories

Battle #2 Only Graduates should be allowed to contest elections. - IIT Kanpur - FOR

Only Graduates should be allowed to contest elections. We say, why not?

Battle #1 - Counterpunch by IIM Trichy : Valuations in the Indian E-Commerce Industry Have Become Irrational

This is an article written as a rebuttal to IIM Ranchi's opening arguments for the Great Indian B-School debate made 24 hours earlier

Battle #1 - Counterpunch by IIM Ranchi : Valuations in the Indian E-Commerce Industry Have Become Irrational

This is a Counterpunch in response to IIM Trichy's FOR Motion in the opening arguments 24 hours earlier :

Battle #1: Valuations in the Indian E-commerce Industry have become irrational - IIM Ranchi - AGAINST

Valuations in the Indian E-commerce Industry have become irrational.

The Great Indian B school Debate - Results of Preliminary Round and Lineups for the Finals

The preliminary round of the Great Indian B School Debate is finally done and dusted. Due to holidays, exams and other events at many B schools, we had fewer entries

MBA teaches you nothing. Nothing at all!

In India, MBA is just a degree which teaches you how to fool others, how to play with others emotions by not working in groups, throwing around jazzy management jargons