Category Result :

Interview Experiences

558 Stories

Interview Experience With SJMSOM, IIT Bombay

The overall selection and the interview process at IIT Bombay was one of the best managed out of the institutes I had applied for. The selection mail, which arrives close

SJMSOM IIT-B Interview Experience

The interview for SJMSOM IIT-B was conducted on an online platform called Gather town. It was a gamified platform, and a day before the interview, we were given free roam

Interview Experience At SJMSOM

The only thing that came to mind when I thought about IIT Bombay was technical because the word itself involves technology. SJMSOM had the most unique platform, GATHER, which was

Interview Experience At SJMSOM, IIT Bombay

On March 3, I attended a personal interview at SJMSOM, IIT Bombay. I would like to start by mentioning that this was among the most structured and chilled-out interview experiences

SJMSOM IIT Bombay Online Interview Experience 2022- Rishika Jain

I had my interview on 04 March 2022 8 AM. I received the interview details a week prior to the interview and interview link a day prior. SJMSOM interview was

SJMSOM, IIT Bombay - Interview Experience 2022

The Interview was conducted on 4th March 2022, morning session. Attending interview online was a new experience, but to add more spice, the conducting body introduced GATHER Platform for the


I am a Mechanical Engineer with 20 months’ work experience. As a core engineer with a CAT percentile of 98.97 and academics of (90, 84,85) I was well aware that


I am a Mechanical Engineer with 20 months’ work experience. As a core engineer with a CAT percentile of 98.97 and academics of (90, 84,85) I was well aware that