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Student Exchange

84 Stories

Spiked Jager – Discovering the 7 sins in Europe - An IIFTian on Exchange

“Nothing is Illegal in Europe”, I had heard this line many times, and it was to see this Europe that I signed up for. I packed my bags and left

An XLer on Xchange – Madhumita’s Diary – Sweet November leading to a warm December farewell

(An XLer on Xchange Series by Madhumita – Read previous posts here)

An XLer on Xchange – Madhumita’s Diary – October : MIT, Harvard, Times Square, Durga Puja and Halloween!

I have to begin by mentioning that by the time October arrived I was feeling pretty much at home in the US & “kicking ass” in Darden in terms of

IIM Lucknow vs Copenhagen Business School - A first hand account of the differences in the academic environment

Having spent more than two months as part of the international student exchange program attending classes at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark has given me adequate time to understand first hand,

An XLer on Xchange – Madhumita’s Diary - Thirty days hath September

(An XLer on Xchange Series by Madhumita - Read other posts here)

5 “off-the-beaten-path” day-trips in Europe

If you are going to Europe on student exchange, chances are you will mostly focus on traveling! After the first few weeks you might want to tear yourself away from

Experience on Student Exchange from IIM – Respect or Inferiority?

“Student Exchange - Sure enough, delightful but...”“All my bags are packed, I’m ready to go”, humming to the tune of John Denver, I walked towards immigration. The officer flipped through