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Reputation Vs. Reality - How Brand Maggi can Sail Through The Controversy


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Well written, thought provoking. I just hope that the company takes up proactive measures to mitigate the emotional damage that it has done to its brand loyal customers. Well, health conscious freaks like me, will need a lot of time to look at the shelves where Maggi products are placed, let alone take a decision to purchase. Also, I feel that many consumers would associate this experience with other products of nestle. So it is indeed a challenging scenario for the company. Trust is like a mirror; once broken then fixing it is..........

5 Jun 2015, 09.59 AM

sumit Singh

the tylenol case of J&J is indeed a legendary example of dealing with such crisis situation. J&J board in a meeting went back to the basics:- (The mission statement of the company) to reach the final decision. We all act similarly when we face a crisis. Solution to every problem we face lies within ourselves and i think nestle's board need to huddle together and look back to the very foundation principles on which the company stands to make a sound decision. just want Nestle to make some quick decisions it lead or MSG..or TNT, uranium.....or whatever..nothing gets prepared in two minutes and without cooking maggi does. Nestle board should make some quick decisions, coz the multi billion strong population in highly dependent on it....hope to seeing (Lead Free) maggi on counters soon. I suddenly remember the Lead test..we as students did in chemistry lab in class XII...if dese guys dont fix the situation...i think i will need that check every maggi packet at home..before making a bowl of it...for ourselves...hope i dont have to buy test tubes again...god help!!

5 Jun 2015, 02.26 PM