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ABGLP Woo Me Season 2 - IIM Raipur

327 Stories

The Touch of ABG in my Life , IIM Raipur

From necessities to building framework, Aditya Birla Group has made an imprint in our age. ABG has provided to give the Customer delight which everybody was looking about. ABG has

Aditya Birla Group - Creating Values, IIM RaipurII

Why Aditya Birla Group is big in my life

Is Aditya Birla Group big in my life ? , IIM Raipur

The Aditya Birla Group, one of the premier business conglomerate of India , has business activities  spanning over 20 countries . Present in countries like India, Thailand, Laos, Indonesia, Philippines,

Aditya Birla Group Leadership Program, IIM Raipur

There are very few companies that cater to millions around the world. Aditya Birla Group has always delivered superior value to millions of customers like me, shareholders, employees and society

All the small things that lead to a better future-Vedant Wasnik , IIM Raipur

Part A: Why Aditya Birla Group is big in your life?

Four Common, Yet Unique Propositions, IIM Raipur

Aditya Birla Groups’ product are literally omnipresent. ABG has the largest cement manufacturer of India, the largest carbon black manufacturer in the world, some major fashion and lifestyle brands, the