ABGLP Woo Me Season 2 - SIBM Pune
Every element in this universe is in synergy with every other element, the interactions of these different elements produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.
Aditya Birla Group, You & ME.. - Hridanshu Damani, SIBM Pune
The Aditya Birla Group, being the Global conglomerate, it is, continues to affect the lives of individuals all around the world in some way or the other. Be it through
Aditya Birla Group - I See a Friend in You, Niraj Aditya, SIBM Pune
It was a cold day in the month of December 2008 in Hyderabad. I was in
Walking down the memory lane-Akash Gupta,Sibm Pune.
Idea, Pantaloons, Van Heusen , Allen Solly, Peter England , Ultratech cement these are some of the brands that I have been hearing about all throughout my life. Personally Peter
The Tuition of Life - SIBM Pune
What am I made of? What am I really made of? When push comes to shove, when the rubber meets the road, when the chips are down, what lies at
Big in my Life - SIBM Pune
Aditya Birla Group is an Indian MNC, headquartered in Mumbai, India. It operates in 35 countries with more than 120,000 employees worldwide. The group was founded by Seth Shiv Narayan