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7 Stories

Top Banks That Have The Most IIM ABCLIK, ISB, XLRI, FMS Alumni Working In Them | IIM Alumni Records

Banking and Finance is one of the top priority sectors that B-school students want to be part of. Not just the interest, but the heavy pay packets and the lifestyle

Should India’s Banking Sector Allow Private Players? - Business News At A Glance Ep.12

In today’s news bulletin, we discuss the negative and the positive. On the one side, we talk about India’s banking sector perhaps opening its doors to private players. On the

The Top Banking And Finance Companies That IIM ABCLIK And ISB Graduates End Up At

For all MBA stakeholders - MBA aspirants, students and alumni - it is very interesting to track where graduates of top business schools are working today. In the Alumni Report

Career Advice From A Seasoned Banker: In Konversation With Tanya Naik, Director Payments, PayPal

Meet Tanya Naik. Graduating from XLRI Jamshedpur just before the 2008 financial crash, she joined CitiBank. She spent close to 9 years there, where she held 5 different roles and

Insights from The Banking Sector Ft. Prawin Tiwari, HDB Financial Services, IFMR Alum

With the current COVID-19 situation, the world is facing a serious economic impact. With an uncertain future looming ahead of them, many students are worried about what they should be

Why Geeky Is The New Cool - IIM Ahmedabad, IIT Bombay - Anchit Desai - Bank of America

With IIT Bombay and IIM Ahmedabad branded across your CV, getting into a successful career is a given. But what does the metamorphosis from a student to a finance sales