Tag Result :

Big Data

22 Stories

How To Become An HR Analyst - All You Need To Know About Careers In HR Analytics

According to Bersin by Deloitte’s High-Impact People Analytics study, which was published in November 2017, 69 per cent of large organisations, i.e., 10,000+ employees, now have a people analytics team.

Big Data Analytics In Marketing

Data is the new currency in town and all giant corporations, as always, can’t have enough of it. Google probably knows more about many of us than we know ourselves!

Do You Know How Tinder Finds A Match For You?

Do you know how Tinder finds a match for you?

5 Things To Read And Watch If You Are Interested In Business Analytics

Do you know companies like Amazon, Tinder, Netflix, American Express, etc all use Business Analytics? At first, it may sound really boring but it's not as nerdy and dull as

All You Need to Know About Making A Career In Big Data

As per the Worldwide Semiannual Big Data and Analytics Spending Guide from IDC, the revenues for big data and analytics will increase from approximately $122 billion in 2015 to $187

Masterclass On ‘IoT, Big Data And Business Intelligence – The Futuristic MBA’ | April 8, 2017

Artificial Intelligence and machine learning are at the forefront of technical innovation. From autonomous driving vehicles to predictive analytics, robotic manufacturing to smart homes, how we live, work and play will

Changing Dynamics of Systems Management - SJMSOM

MBA in systems involves the integration of management with technology. Systems management primarily deals with the use of various dimensions of technology for business processes. It gives an insight into

Big Data Security - A Big Deal

Today if we have an airline ticket that has come into Google mail and when the flight is about to take off, we get an update from them. This sounds