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General Management

33 Stories

My Internship Diaries - Group Internship Programme, Aditya Birla Group

As I settle down for some spicy fries and pepper blasted chicken with my laptop before me, it dawns on me that two months of wonderful people, places, challenges and

My internship, My story, My life - Group Intern at Aditya Birla Group

My story with Aditya Birla Group (ABG) started much before my internship through the amazing ABG STRATOS 2014 competition for top b-schools. STRATOS is a simulation game competition which tests

Kuwaiti Style - Internship at Alshaya

“Are you ready to work in Kuwait?”

My Internship. Delivered. - Summer Internship at Maersk

“'Tis skill, not strength, that governs a ship”

Why only Sex or Sharukh Khan Sells! - Summer Internship in Branding at Mahindra

The title of my story, notwithstanding its embarrassing nature, is inspired by an off-hand remark by one lesser known member of the tinsel town which gained overwhelming popularity by the