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IIM Interview Experience 2022

39 Stories

Interview Experience At SJMSOM, IIT Bombay

My interview at SJMSOM, IIT Bombay was on 5th May, 2022. We got to know about the whole interview process approx.15 days prior the interview date. It was something distinctive

SJMSOM 2022 Interview Experience

We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face. This was the shinning moment for me the interview

Interview Experience Of SJMSOM, IIT Bombay

The PI call was released in Mid-February, it included all the basic required details from group links, support email-ids, Interview mode and tentative dates all under single mail so details

Interview Experience With SJMSOM, IIT Bombay

The overall selection and the interview process at IIT Bombay was one of the best managed out of the institutes I had applied for. The selection mail, which arrives close

SJMSOM IIT-B Interview Experience

The interview for SJMSOM IIT-B was conducted on an online platform called Gather town. It was a gamified platform, and a day before the interview, we were given free roam

Interview Experience At SJMSOM, IIT Bombay

On March 3, I attended a personal interview at SJMSOM, IIT Bombay. I would like to start by mentioning that this was among the most structured and chilled-out interview experiences

IIM Rohtak Interview Experience 2022

Profile: Engineering fresher.95/95/80CAT:99.8517-02-22, 2:20 pmPanel: 2 M.Started with CAT score card and certificate verification.

IIM Rohtak PI | MBA Admissions 2022

Panel 1IIM rohtak17 Feb morning(Maths hons/fresher)P1- introduce yourself( Documents verification)Extempore on "atmanirbharta and how can it be achieved"P1- a compound interest sumP1- graph of y= |x^2| + k and y=