Tag Result :

IIM Ranchi

495 Stories

Aditya Birla Group Reminds: The nation is the body and youngsters are the minds - Kartik Siwach, IIM Ranchi

A childhood dream lived in me on the day of my graduation and I wondered-'How to make it big?’

ABG Holding my Hand from Shadows!!!! Rishikesh Chandra, IIM Ranchi

It was 7th january 2019 CAT result was already out the wave of joy was all around me. Congratulations messages were all around my Whatsapp and phone calls. But deep


Aditya Birla has been changing and touching people’s life  since 1857. The Aditya Birla Group’s brand I love and also happened to have a great impact not just on my

Aditya Birla Group - Adept Brilliant Giving- Vishal Verma, IIM Ranchi

Being a millennial kid, I, have seen our country grow along with us in all circles of life. From a country suffering from hunger and poverty and later becoming the

Aditya Birla Group: A Brand you can trust - IIM Ranchi

Part A: Why Aditya Birla Group is big in my life?

Attitude Matters-Sangeeta Kumari, IIM Ranchi

I feel nostalgic as I think of those days when my mother packed my lunch in freshwrapp aluminum foil to keep my chapatis warm & soft by the time i