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11 Stories

Symposio - Annual Student Research Conference of Revelation 2018 At SIBMB

Symposio – The National Level Student Research Conference of Revelation 2018, organised by the Research Committee of SIBM Bengaluru, saw an active participation from 11 teams spread across 9 colleges

Dr.Verdini on Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Myra School of Business

Please visit http://insideiim.com/the-3-lifelines-... to access the slides for this Hangout!

Innovation Is The Way Ahead – Tesla Story

Innovate, a word said by many, understood by very few. What is innovation? Is it doing something that has never been done? If that were the case, the Wright Brothers

Jugaad - Is It A Mindset Or A Process - Views From Prabhakar

Many articles have been written about the merits and demerits of Jugaad. The best-known definition is that it is an innovative fix or a simple workaround. Its closest English equivalent

3 Gems On Innovation From Steve Jobs

Innovation – the most overused (and dare I say abused) word in the corporate world today. Ask managers what the organization needs most and they will say ‘innovation and creativity’.

The Leadership Summit 16: 'How Innovation Drives Leadership'

It is said that true leaders don’t create followers. What they create are more leaders. And on the 6th of February, 2016, Vinod Gupta School of Management had the privilege

Embracing The 3Cs Of Innovation - Sriram, A Fin-Tech Professional Shares His Views

Clearly over the past few years, we have been witnessing several new enterprises blossom with great ideas – only to disrupt traditional business models through iterative, incremental and extreme innovation

The Whereabouts of the Next Big Innovation

We, as a group of human beings, always tend to believe that the best things are lying ahead of us. Whatever has happened was good, the present scenario is not