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24 Stories

Should You Dumb Down Your Resume To Get A Job

Have you faced a time where you have repeatedly heard the potential employer telling you that you are overqualified for a job? Have you faced rejection because you had more

How To Avoid Job Search Scams

The days are gone when individuals solely rely on career section in newspapers to find a dream career opportunity. The internet has revolutionized the traditional practices of job hunting. Now

How To Find Employment Opportunities In The UAE

To find a job in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is easy but it does require some hard work and the usual search process. Responding to job ads be it

Job Market For MBA’S: Need For A Level Playing Field

I am currently pursuing MBA Marketing from a Tier 2 B School in Mumbai. During the course, I have learnt the fact that MBA builds confidence in you and trains

How to Handle the Waiting Game after a Job Interview

So you just had a big interview. It went well, you think?

Five Career Options you have after completing MBA

MBA has long been the coveted choice of every professional seeking to make it big in their career. The degree, which has the reputation of being a golden goose leads

Work for a Top Business School in India

InsideIIM.com has the mandate to scout for top talent for one India's best business schools.

How many graduates from the Class of 2011 changed jobs within 18 months after MBA?

In 2011, over 2500 students graduated from the top B schools in India that we cover. We thought we should build some insight into how people do 18 months after