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Personal Interviews

44 Stories

5 Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Job Interview

The following suggestions are a result of personal experiences after having sat on both sides of the interview table.

My Journey to ISB - Part 2

In Part 1 of his article (which you can read here), Sudeep talked about the reasons for doing an MBA & why he picked ISB.

Devil's Advocate: Why Your Strong Analytical Skills Are Just Not Enough

Strong analytical skills - Common strength of IIM dominated MBA aspirants. Well yeah! IIM means 'Indian IT Male'. With all due respect to all the aspirants and with no prejudice

Why MBA? 10 Worst Essays On Reasons To Do An MBA And Choice Of Specialization - Deepali Naair

(In our series of articles to help students get into the best business schools of India,  that will help you understand how things can go terribly wrong right from the