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The Special Ones

43 Stories

"I was never a topper in my undergraduate and school days" - B Ramakrishna, 1st Year MBA Topper - XLRI (HR)

Topping the first year of MBA in an elite B school, in the face of fierce competition is one of the rarest of rare achievements. Most of us would agree

"Good academics may get you a shortlist but what will take you forward is your personality" - Nalin Jain, First Year MBA Topper at IIFT Delhi

We all know how insanely difficult it is to top the first year of MBA. It is one of the rarest of rare achievements. Batch toppers enjoy special perks like

"The key is - you must not give in to peer pressure " - Ankit Goel, Topper - First Year MBA at IIM Kozhikode

The first year of MBA is for many B schoolers, a defining period in their academic life. It is here that they are exposed to a smorgasbord of activities -