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37 Stories

Religious Equality


Evoke The Santa In You

Few days back I met a boy, I don't know his name, but kept it as Ansh (in Hindi it meant a small part), a green eyed boy, around six years

You know you’re from XIMR when. . .

You walk into college after 9:10 and a simple red Swift or blue WagonR can turn you into a ninja trying to sneak in without getting caught.

Passion Or A Fatter Pay Cheque?

Millions of students appear for MBA entrance exams every year. Some make it to their dream colleges, some settle down for something based on the available options, some back out

Is Religion Still Justified As A Source Of Morality?

Morality is the principle governing a person’s distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behaviour. Morals play a crucial role not only in a person’s interaction with others