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Abhishek Kshirsagar

Alumni | IIM Bangalore (Since 1973)

Just a dreamer in the real world!

Just a dreamer in the real world!

28 Stories

Love Lasts Forever? - Long Distance Relationship In The Time Of An MBA - InsideIIM Short Story Corner

"Pick up the phone, please pick up the phone."He kept talking to the ringing melody on the other end. And then a busy tone followed for the 10th time. Or was it the 20th? He didn't care. All he needed was an audience. He had made the biggest mistake of

How Far Can You Walk?

How far can you walk?A mile? A kilometre? Or A (whatever unit you prefer to use)?But that's too less, you say? So 5 km maybe? Or 10 km? Or thousands of kilometres perhaps? That escalated too quickly, didn't it?Let me rephrase my question: how far can you walk for your

A Cup Of Sanity (Part 2) - Change Is The Only Constant!

What's so different about this place?Why does it bring me here all the time?What magical spell has it cast on me?I had all these questions (and several more) when I parked my bike in the parking area of my favourite place: The beach of Alibag.My previous visit to this place

Love In The Time Of MBA - InsideIIM Short Story Corner

"That was a great presentation, Anay!"They were impressed by his work, but he didn't care at all. He quickly completed all the formalities and escaped that place as soon as he could, rushed downstairs and started his bike. It was 2 PM in the afternoon, and he needed to reach