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78 Stories

10 Fallacies Of Networking At A B-School

“Network like anything. Among them will be your business co-founders, your best friends, your lifelong colleagues, and maybe your life partners!” said a senior on the very first day of the college. Networking is indeed one of the most hyped things at an IIM. Its importance can never be questioned.

The Best PoR Is Apparently A Placecommer’s Girlfriend/Boyfriend

It’s final placement season and the anonymous apps and meme pages have become extremely active. One popular meme/post that does the rounds every year in every college is the “Best PoR on campus” post. To everyone who acclaims the best PoR on campus is a placecommer’s girlfriend/boyfriend, you do not

6 Harsh Truths About Placements At B-Schools In India

Hush! Finally, it's over! I wouldn't want to be in that phase of my life again (though, I might need to go face it once more). I am not talking about exams or even a break-up. I am talking about the main reason for which a person joins a good

A Letter To All B-School Stakeholders, With Love

Dear All b-school Stakeholders,I am a student at one of the top b-schools in India.I read articles like 'A Letter From A Placecomer, With Love', 'A Letter To The Placecomer, With Love' and '5 Dark Truths Of MBA Placements' on this forum.As someone who is going through the curriculum, who