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Debalina Haldar

Alumni | IIM Lucknow (Since 1984)

an 'unlikely uncommon quintessential' engineer

an 'unlikely uncommon quintessential' engineer

17 Stories

CSR: From a need-to-do to a must-do trend

Today, organizations have increasingly grown more conscious than ever about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The idea of CSR can be explained as a continuous commitment of organization to develop morally and provide contributions to the economic development while enhancing the quality of life of the employees, the local community as

IIM Lucknow: India's most beautiful business school, 34th world wide

Many schools out there are as aesthetically gratifying on the outside as they are innovative on the inside, and with their host of top-class facilities these attractive buildings may inspire students to work harder. But IIM Lucknow, not merely aesthetically pleasing, has made it to the list of world’s top

HBR Caselets? Why not Julius Caesar excerpts?

The use of case studies is one of the most common methods of understanding managerial skills. The cases usually begin with the description of the CEO looking outside the window or taking a coffee sip. Business students read the case, try to comprehend what the manager did right or wrong

Dos and Donts for MBA-turned-writers

Many of us want to be writers… internationally published… bestselling authors. Some of us write well or believe we do so. Some of us have our manuscripts ready or strongly feel so. Some of us do not know how to proceed, approach publishers, impress editors, etc. But many of us