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Debalina Haldar

Alumni | IIM Lucknow (Since 1984)

an 'unlikely uncommon quintessential' engineer

an 'unlikely uncommon quintessential' engineer

17 Stories

I am 40 years old. Will you hire me?

I’ve recently seen the movie, The Internship. Billy and Nick, the two 40ish, out-of-work salesmen are doubtful to land an in demand summer spot at Google. But nothing is impossible, right? Especially if it is in Hollywood, the place where Cameron Diaz can be an orthopedic surgeon (inThere’s Something About

You know you are an MBA when

For some of us, it has been a year in a B-school. Most of us are pass outs or aspiring to be in one of the best MBA schools. We’ve come across countless “You know it when” posts… You know you are a Bengali when, you know you studied in

Manage Your Annoying Roommate with a Submissive Destructive Letter

(Picture Source: this season of summer internship, where most budding managers from the top B-schools step into enterprises to get a brief taste of their lives after college, they also spend a considerable amount of time and energy looking for PGs, flats and roommates. Thus begins a strange experience

Indian Higher Education Sector-Growth Unlimited, Opportunities Aplenty!

The Indian education sector has been recognized as a “Sunrise Sector” for investment in the recent past. This recognition stems from the fact that the sector offers a huge untapped market in regulated and non-regulated segments due to low literacy rate, high concentration in urban areas and growing per capita