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Nikhita Basti

Alumni | IIM Ranchi

10 Stories

India Taking Another Step Towards A Cashless Society - Nikhita, IIM Ranchi

The number of cashless transactions in our country is really poor. It is 6 transactions per person in a year, also considering the fact that hardly 1.1 million out of 11 million retailers have infrastructure for card payments. However the number of people using smartphones is predicted to reach 500

Life At IIM Ranchi By Nikhita B.

The moment you register yourself as a student of IIM Ranchi you can very well expect your life to change. And change for the better. Life at IIM Ranchi has various facets to it. The housing facilities are situated in Khelgaon amidst the scenic beauty of Ranchi where each student

Indian Start-ups And The Certain But Uncertain Industry-leading Position Of Flipkart

In India, start-ups are blooming in various fields ranging from education, IT, real-estate, e-commerce etc. Various initiatives have been taken by government to promote start-ups. Some initiatives like ‘Start-up India’, ‘Make in India’ and ‘Mudra Bank’ have helped the start-ups in terms of tax exemption, capitalization etc. But the problem

“If you don’t follow your heart, you might spend the rest of your life wishing you had”- Anonymous

When your mid-term is four days away, a quiz awaits you in three days, and a senior asks   whether you want to play a role in the drama to be performed at Valhalla – the sports and cultural fest of XLRI, in two days’ time, the first instinct of any