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Saneeya Agrawal

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17 Stories

Giffen's Paradox - Dejargonised

Veeru And The Alcohol Conundrum Although, Veeru earns Rs. 18000 per month, he likes his job and cherishes his experiences on road. He also likes to enjoy a few drinks at the end of a day. He prefers not to drive for over 12 hours in a day for health and

All You Need To Know About MBA In Agribusiness

India holds the second largest agricultural land in the world. The soil and the climate here are extremely favourable for farming of various commodities. With over a billion mouths to feed, the domestic demand is high enough to drive the growth of this sector. With the second largest agricultural land

All You Need To Know About MBA In Retail Management

Retail Industry is growing exponentially in India. From physical stores to e-retailing, this sector has attracted a huge amount of investments from Indian and foreign investors. India has favourable demographics for investment in retail. With a large population, growing consumerism and an increase in income and expenditure, India is an

Dejargonised - Behavioural Economics Made Easy

Smoking is injurious to health.Each one of us is aware of the consequences of smoking. Smoking causes cancer. Smoking may kill you. And the worst of all, smoking may make you the subject of a horrific video that will be shown to the whole nation on big screens. The government