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Sayali Patil

Alumni | IIM Ahmedabad

16 Stories

Surrogate Marketing

Have you ever seen commercials promoting Bacardi Music CDs but can never seem to find the product anywhere? Does it make you wonder why? Read on to find out. These well-known liquor brands, similar to cigarette or tobacco brands, are banned from promotion campaigns. The brand managers of these products

How Characters from Harry Potter taught me Leadership - Part Three

This is a continuation of Sayali Patil's series on leadership lessons from Harry Potter. Starting from Harry himself ( his courage, his ability to inspire, and the fact that he was trustworthy), we moved to the feared Lord Voldemort (never-say-die approach, ability to manage and execute) and then Albus Dumbledore

How Characters from Harry Potter taught me Leadership - Part Two

Tom Riddle (Voldemort)Antagonist in the Harry Potter series, he terrorizes the reader many times. He has had a disturbing past. He was raised in an orphanage. His leadership style might not connote any positive meaning. Nevertheless, he was able to lead death eaters. This shows that he did possess leadership

How Characters from Harry Potter taught me Leadership - Part One

Why Harry Potter?We all grew up reading about the endless battle between the chosen one and the one who must not be named. This indeed was my favourite book series. There are times when I revisit some chapter and enjoy reading it again and again. Now, as an MBA student