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Shyam Sunder Ramakrishnan

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17 Stories

Why Amazon And Google Are The Most Fearsome Companies Of The Modern Era....

Why Amazon and Google are the most fearsome companies of the modern era....If I had to pick the two most terrifying companies of the 21st century, I would choose Amazon and Google. What exactly do I mean by terrifying? I am referring to their potential to dominate industries in the future,

The Economics of our Careers

The Economics of our careers Why “Follow your passion” may not be the soundest career advice you getIt always works out perfectly in the movies. Guy, 21, dreams of following his passion - becoming a rock-star (many variations of this clichéd script: cricketer, wild-life photographer, writer, blah blah). Parents oppose

The Different Flavours of Consulting

We continue the consulting series with realistic job previews of various consulting roles, describing what a B-school campus recruit at the associate/consultant/senior consultant level can expect from such roles. Pardon me if the actual job descriptions sound somewhat quotidian, unremarkable and deglamorized, for that is exactly the idea – to

Consulting - A Primer

Most students respond to job market trends by changing their innermost convictions and long-term career goals with the slippery ease of a chameleon. The consulting industry is one such beneficiary of a structural shift in aspirations. Banking was brought down to its knees in 2007, and it continues to be