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Shyam Sunder Ramakrishnan

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17 Stories

Football club finances - Part 2 - On InsideIIM's Knowledge Cafe

RevenuesIn the last post, a comparison of Real Madrid’s revenues with corporate giants made club football look like a cottage industry. However, we hadn't looked at Revenue per employee and now that we have the data, we find that the big clubs do redeem themselves.In revenues per employee, the comparison

Football Club Finances - on InsideIIM's Knowledge Cafe

This article is under our special section - 'Knowledge Cafe'.(This series takes a look at the business side of club football.)Unlike businesses which meet organizational or individual needs, football appeals directly to the raw animal spirits of its supporters. This makes it that much more difficult to reconcile the two

Jargon of the Day - 'Low Hanging Fruit'

Do the terms ‘touch base with’, ‘synergize’, ‘core competency’, ‘ideate’ etc. make you squirm with agony? Ever felt your blood boil while waiting through a long managerial sermon utterly devoid of meaning? Do not despair. I am proud to introduce a randomly updated column driven by (err..) a strategic imperative

The Portrait of our Professors

These are hard times, my friend, very hard times…. It’s tough to keep a stiff upper lip when bad news dribbles through the air like a stench from an overflowing gutter. Why, even the newspaper boy –an oft-quoted symbol of optimism, is seeing his smile curl into a frown. The