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Sohel Khan

Alumni | NMIMS

Sohel Khan is pursuing an MBA with a specialization in HR(Major) and Analytics(Minor) at NMIMS, Bangalore. A cricket lover, foodie and loves to go on short bike rides.

Sohel Khan is pursuing an MBA with a specialization in HR(Major) and Analytics(Minor) at NMIMS, Bangalore. A cricket lover, foodie and loves to go on short bike rides.

2 Stories

Aditya Birla Group - Woo Me Competition!

1)Aditya Birla Group touches millions in the world. It is unlikely that you have never used a product, or travelled on a road or visited a site where ABG has not contributed in some way. Its presence in your life is massive. In at least 250 words or more, tell

My Internship Journey at TI India Ltd.

Human Resources has always fascinated me, so much to the extent that I decided to let go of a career that I was settling down to. I had been a software engineer for over three years and though it was not something that fascinated me, I was slowly and steadily