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Tanya Shridhar

Alumni | MICA

The author is currently pursuing MBA from MICA, Ahmedabad. She interned at Titan Company where she received a PPO. A designer at heart, a marketer in spirit and a registered architect by degree, Tanya is a voracious reader and likes to write about success stories and learnings from everyday life. She prefers coffee over chai, chocolate over red velvet and PJs over everything else.

The author is currently pursuing MBA from MICA, Ahmedabad. She interned at Titan Company where she received a PPO. A designer at heart, a marketer in spirit and a registered architect by degree, Tanya is a voracious reader and likes to write about success stories and learnings from everyday life. She prefers coffee over chai, chocolate over red velvet and PJs over everything else.

25 Stories

#KnowThyBrand - Kurkure

Kurkure started as a bridge snack between the desi namkeen and western potato chips category to bring the goodness of chips and spicy flavours of different states of India to life. It was introduced as a national brand for an anytime and anywhere snack. It has now become a loved

An Instagram Influencer's Journey To Unilever | Aarushi Agrawal, MICA Ahmedabad | Ex-ITC

Here's Aarushi Agrawal, a MICA alumnus, sharing her journey from an Instagram Influencer to ITC Limited to Unilever along with tips on how to crack the selection interviews of colleges and companies. Read on to know her journey here!Often, we find ourselves standing at a crossroads where we ask this

Technology Helps Marketers In Identifying Consumer Behaviour - Here's How!

“The higher the expectations about unselected alternatives, the lower is the level of satisfaction with the chosen good.” ― Michael R. Solomon, Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective.The advent of technology has helped marketers in many ways than one. The world is aware that the single most important thing for businesses across

#YOLO - The Mantra For Life

Imagine this, I ask you to go on a trip to France - I tell the date of your arrival, but hide the date of departure from you. Now, it’s certain that you will reach France, but it is uncertain when you will be called back, what is the most