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Human Resources

121 Stories

Ethical Dilemma at Workplace - By Chetna From IIM Rohtak

"Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have right to do and what is right to do” - Potter Stewart

Holding Onto Your Best Talent: Retention Tips From An HR Expert

Over the past one decade, attrition has become one the key problems that companies are facing globally. The war for talent is at its all-time peak. Employees leave organizations for

Biases Explained - Through 'Twelve Angry Men' - Learning With Films

The movie Twelve Angry Men begins with a jury of 12 men who are locked in a deliberation room to decide the fate of an 18 year old boy from

Why HR?

Since the time the mission MBA starts the first question aspirants ask to themselves is “Why MBA” and the first obvious answer is Money, status and better career opportunities. And

The Importance of 'Talent' in an organization

After coming to a B-school and after surviving a sinusoidal week of Summer Placement Interviews last year, my definition of ‘talent’ has surely broadened. While earlier it only meant something

Is Gamification the new best friend of HR?

Employee engagement techniques, like intranet information sites and coffee room poster campaigns have become passive these days. Gone are the days when they could hold the concentration of employees to

“You’re my HR friend. Get me a Job”

The majority of the workforce considers the HR department responsible for everything wrong with their organization. An HR manager is Satan spawn, the Devil incarnate, the rotten face of unadulterated,