Category Result :

Journey To A B-School

148 Stories

My Journey From An MBA Aspirant To A Corporate Professional

It would be no exaggeration to address a B-School as a mock-corporate house where aspiring managers are groomed to become future industry leaders. Considering this viewpoint, a B-School becomes a

NITIE Mumbai - Beginning Of A New Journey!

Mumbai, also known for its liveliness, depicts the place that is always up and the City of Dreams. I had never liked the city, in fact, I’m not sure I

Acads At 70, Work Experience Of 65 Months And The Journey To IIM Bangalore

IIM A, B, & C are not the institutes, about which everyone can dream of! This is what friends remarked when he expressed interest in joining IIMs. He researched further

The Story Of My Life - How I Decided To Do An MBA

This one is a rather emotional piece for me. A story. The story of my life so far, career-wise at least. If you have been reading my articles and have

From Rags To Riches - How I Landed Up Into God’s Own Campus - NITIE Mumbai

“What’s the hurry to go to Mumbai? It’s hardly been 2 weeks since you stayed at home after your B. Tech got over. Can’t you stay for a few more

Why I Joined MICA

Sukanya Mishra, Mumbai PGP 1

If It's A Risk, It Is Worth Taking!

The scenery was rushing from my sight and so were my thoughts. A gush of thoughts ran through my brain whenever I used to travel. These journeys through trains embody