Category Result :

Journey To A B-School

148 Stories

Black Replaces White: Dentist To Future Doctor-Manager

I feel like I’m living in two different sides of the same coin called life. Since I joined my MBA college two months ago, I have been engaged in answering

A NIFTy Tale - Akshar Siriguri Jayarao, XIMB

As I sit down, in my room, and begin to pen down my journey to a Business school, I look back and marvel at how life, through its winding roads,

"Better Late Than Never" - Raman Kumar, DMS IIT Delhi, Class of 2020

IIT Delhi – this name in itself is a dream for many. And today I am writing about this dream becoming a reality for me.

From Architecture To Marketing | My Journey To MICA Ahmedabad

During my preparation days, one of the things that I used to run away from was answering the question ‘Why MBA?’. During my last year of under graduation, I was

A Hidden Gem - DMS IIT Delhi - Siddharth Chaturvedi, Class of 2020

It’s that time of the year again when we start getting the interview calls from our dream B-schools. I was in the same shoes last year and had final converts