Category Result :

Journey To A B-School

148 Stories

Journey From Delivering Newspapers To IIM Rohtak

A remarkable journey of  Rakesh Kunbi, 29 years old, who made it to IIM Rohtak facing the odds right from a young age. Reminiscing early experiences he said, "My grandfather

Hard Way To IIM Kozhikode - 99.82 Percentiler's Story || Ft. Saurabh Kulkarni

When you are in an engineering college, it takes no time for you to understand whether you want to do engineering or not. Many may counter my views, but for

An Impeccable Journey Of An International Chess Player To IIM Rohtak

“In life, or in business, as in chess, one must play all sorts of positions well, seize the opportunities when available, defend if forced to, and attack when possible, but

Roadway To TISS | How I Cracked TISSNET 2019

The journey of a thousand miles always begins with a single step! One rainy Sunday evening in 2015, when I was randomly reading up about the various b-schools in India, I

In Conversation With A Lawyer Who Made It To IIM | Nidhi Minz, IIM Ranchi

Hello Nidhi, it is rare that we find a lawyer at a B-school. Kudos for making it to IIM Ranchi, let’s know your journey that inspired you to take up

Life At TISS, Right As Rain

I write this as I try and smuggle the remainder of minutes left from an evening that is pacing to leave. The sky is full of clouds but free of

A Hospitality Graduate Who Made It To IIM

Hi Murtaza, Congratulation for making to IIM Ranchi. Let's begin our interview.

Why I Chose MBA Over MD Or MS - A Doctor's Journey To An IIM

Hi Palash, I am pleased and surprised at the same time to find a doctor on IIM Ranchi campus as a student. I am sure that you have already been