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36 Stories

Google, Apple, Facebook Are The Most Desired Technology Companies On Indian B-School Campuses

Which Are The Most Preferred Technology, Telecom And Analytics Campus Recruiters? – InsideIIM Recruitment Survey 2018

India's Most Desirable Business Schools - InsideIIM User Rankings

So, after 5 years of swatting away requests for a ranking from our users, we have finally given in. We did a simple thing. We asked our users - only

The Peculiar Problem of Business School Rankings in India

Since March our helpline - 'Eklavya' has been flooded with queries on choosing business schools. A lot of them quote rankings published in various popular media and  on other management

Placements - Profiles and Campuses - The scene in 2011

(Update: This article was published in May 2011 based on Karan Maroo's interpretation of placements across campuses. Do note that InsideIIM does not endorse the categorization and it is the