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ABGLP Woo Me Season 2 - IIM Nagpur

62 Stories

Confessions of a Shopaholic!IIM Nagpur

Being a small-town kid, I never had the experience of growing trends in metropolitan cities. On visiting Patiala for the first time, wandering in small market lanes along with my

Aditya Birla Group, Always been a part of us. | ABGLP | IIM Nagpur

Aditya Birla Group, one of the most influencing companies of India, has a well-renowned status. For years it has been putting significant impressions on the lives of many in India

MORE THAN BEING 'BIG' by Kumar Jai, IIM Nagpur

What makes something big? Size? Quantity? Capacity? Worth? This question takes me back to my childhood days when my mother used to be always hurried to prepare my tiffin box

ABG - An indispensable part of my life! (IIM Nagpur)

“Whatever the day is throwing at me

Aditya Birla Group - Big is for everyone! - IIM Nagpur

Part A: Why Aditya Birla Group is big in my life?

A kids definition of a Conglomerate - Aditya Birla Group

As a kid, I always tried to read everything and anything I could. I was the kid who read labels on each product lying around the house or when shopping